Dissertation Prize for Rob Timans
Yesterday, the Dutch Sociological Association (NSV) and the Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP) organized it’s annual Actualiteitencollege (“current affairs lecture”). The theme of this lecture was decentralization in care. Since 2015, the organization of long-term care has changed in the Netherlands; governments require more active participation from its citizens instead of passively relying on professional care. Based on scientific research, Peteke Feijten (Netherlands Institute for Social Research SCP), Marjolein Broese van Groenou (Free University of Amsterdam VU), and Jan Willem Duyvendak (University of Amsterdam UvA) responded to the question whether ‘close proximity’ is always better in case of long-term care. The host of the whole afternoon was Kim Putters, head of the SCP.
After the academic sessions, Paul Schnabel (University Professor at Utrecht University) awarded the Dissertation Prize of the Dutch Sociological Association – an event that I coordinated. The Prize was given to “Studying the Dutch Business Elite: Relational Concepts and Methods,” written by Rob Timans. Congratulations! Schnabel’s laudatio can be retreived from the NSV-website.