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Peer-Reviewed Articles

Reeskens, T., & Vandecasteele, L. (2017). Economic Hardship and Well-Being. Examining the Relative Role of Individual Resources and Welfare State Effort in Resilience against Economic Hardship. Journal of Happiness Studies, 18(1), pp. 41-62. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T., & Vandecasteele, L. (2017). Hard Times and European Youth. The Effect of Economic Insecurity on Human Values, Social Attitudes and Well‐Being. International Journal of Psychology, 52(1), pp. 19-27. [ link to the paper ]

Helbling, M., Reeskens, T., & Wright, M. (2016). The Mobilization of Identities. A Study on the Relationship between Elite Rhetoric and Public Opinion on National Identity in Developed Democracies. Nations and Nationalism, 22(4), pp. 744-767. [ link to the paper ]

Stepan, M., Han, E., & Reeskens, T. (2016). Building the New Socialist Countryside: Tracking Public Policy and Public Opinion Changes in China. China Quarterly, 226, pp. 456-476. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T., & van Oorschot, W. (forthcoming). Immigrants’ Attitudes towards Welfare Redistribution. An Exploration of Role of Government Preferences among Immigrants and Natives across 18 European Welfare States. European Sociological Review, 31(4), pp. 433-445. [ link to the paper ]

Helbling, M., Reeskens, T., & Dietlind Stolle (2015). Political Mobilisation, Ethnic Diversity and Social Cohesion: The Conditional Effect of Political Parties. Political Studies, 63(1), 101-122. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T., & Wright, M. (2014). Host Country Patriotism among European Immigrants: A Comparative Study into its Individual and Societal Roots. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(14), pp. 2493-2511. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T., & van Oorschot, W. (2014). Europeans’ Feelings of Deprivation Amidst the Financial Crisis. The Effects of Welfare State Effort and Informal Social Relations. Acta Sociologica, 57(3), pp. 191-206. [ link to the paper ]

Wright, M., & Reeskens, T. (2013). Of What Cloth Are the Ties that Bind? A Multilevel Analysis of the Relation between National Identity and Support for the Welfare State across 29 European Countries. Journal of European Public Policy, 20(10), pp. 1443-1463. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T. (2013). But Who Are Those “Most People” That Can Be Trusted? Evaluating the Radius of Trust Across 29 European Societies. Social Indicators Research, 114(2), pp. 703-722. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T., & van Oorschot, W. (2013). Equity, Equality, or Need? A Multilevel Analysis of Preferences for Principles of Redistributive Justice in 24 European Welfare States. Journal of European Public Policy, 20(8), pp. 1174-1195. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T., & Wright, M. (2013). Nationalism and the Cohesive Society. A Multi-Level Analysis of the Interplay between Diversity, National Identity, and Social Capital across 27 European Societies. Comparative Political Studies, 46(2), pp. 153-181. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T., & van Oorschot, W. (2012). Disentangling the ‘New Liberal Dilemma’: On the Relation between General Welfare Redistribution Preferences and Welfare Chauvinism. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 53(2), pp. 120-139. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T., & van Oorschot, W. (2012). Those Who Are in the Gutter Look at the Stars? Explaining Perceptions of Labour Market Opportunities among European Young Adults. Work, Employment & Society, 26(3), pp. 379-395. [ link to the paper ]

Van Oorschot, W., Reeskens, T., & Meuleman, B. (2012). Popular Perceptions of Welfare State Consequences. A Multi-Level, Cross-National Analysis of 25 European Countries. Journal of European Social Policy, 22(2), pp. 181-197. [ link to the paper ]

Botterman, S., Hooghe, M., & Reeskens, T. (2012). One Size Fits All? An Empirical Study into the Multidimensionality of Social Cohesion Indicators in Belgian Local Communities. Urban Studies, 49(1), pp. 185-202. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T., & Wright, M. (2011). Subjective Well-Being and National Satisfaction. Taking Seriously the “Proud of What?” Question. Psychological Science, 22(11), p. 1460-1462. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T., & Hooghe, M. (2010). Beyond the Civic-Ethnic Dichotomy. Investigating the Structure of Citizenship Concepts across Thirty-Three Countries. Nations and Nationalism, 16(4), pp. 579-597. [ link to the paper ]

Claes, E., Hooghe, M., & Reeskens, T. (2009). Truancy as a Contextual and School-Related Problem: A Comparative Multilevel Analysis of Country and School Characteristics on Civic Knowledge among 14 Year Olds. Educational Studies, 35(2), pp. 123-142. [ link to the paper ]

Hooghe, M., Reeskens, T., Stolle, D., & Trappers, A. (2009). Ethnic Diversity and Generalized Trust in Europe. A Cross-National Multilevel Study. Comparative Political Studies, 42(2), pp. 198-223. [ link to the paper ]

Reeskens, T., & Hooghe, M. (2008). Cross-Cultural Measurement Equivalence of Generalized Trust. Evidence from the European Social Survey (2002 and 2004). Social Indicators Research, 85(3), pp. 515-532. [ link to the paper ]

Hooghe, M., Trappers, A., Meuleman, B., & Reeskens, T. (2008). Migration to European Countries. A Structural Explanation of Patterns, 1980-2004. International Migration Review, 42(2), pp. 476-504. [ link to the paper ]

Hooghe, M., Quintelier, E., & Reeskens, T. (2007). How Political is the Personal? Gender Differences in the Level and the Structure of Political Knowledge. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, 28(2), pp. 115-125. [ link to the paper ]

Hooghe, M., & Reeskens, T. (2007). Extreme Right Parties in Survey Research. External Cross-Cultural Equivalence of Survey Data on Extreme Right Voting. Patterns of Prejudice, 41(2), pp. 177-195. [ link to the paper ]


van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F., Meuleman, B., & Reeskens, T. (2017). The Social Legitimacy of Targeted Welfare. Attitudes to Welfare Deservingness. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. [ link to the book ]

Reeskens, T. (2009). Ethnic and Cultural Diversity, Integration Policies and Social Cohesion in Europe. A Comparative Analysis of the Relation between Cultural Diversity and Generalized Trust in Europe. Leuven: KU Leuven. [ PDF ]

Book Chapters

Reeskens, T., & van der Meer, T. (2017). The Relative Importance of Welfare Deservingness Criteria. In W. van Oorschot, F. Roosma, B. Meuleman and T. Reeskens (Eds.), The Social Legitimacy of Targeted Welfare. Attitudes to Welfare Deservingness (in press). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Reeskens, T., & van Oorschot, W. (2017). Conceptions of Citizenship and Tolerance toward Immigrants. A Comparative Study of Public Opinion Data. In K. Banting and W. Kymlicka (Eds.), Strains of Commitment. The Political Sources of Tolerance (in press). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Reeskens, T., & van Oorschot, W. (2015). Is Intergenerational Solidarity under Pressure? Comparative Analyses of Age Cleavages in Opinions about Government Support for the Young and the Old. In I. Salagean, C. Lomos and A. Hartung (Eds.), The Young and the Elderly at Risk (in press). Brussels: Intersentia.

Helbling, M., Stolle, D., Wright, M., & Reeskens, T. (2015). Enabling Immigrant Participation: Do Integration Regimes Make a Difference? In A. Bilodeau (Ed.), Just Ordinary Citizens? Towards a Comparative Portrait of the Political Immigrant (forthcoming). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Reeskens, T., & Wright, M. (2014). Shifting Loyalties? Globalization and National Identity in the 21st Century. In W. Arts and L. Halman (Eds.), Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe. Leiden: Brill.

De Rooij, E. & Reeskens, T. (2014). Conventional and Unconventional Political Participation. In W. Arts and L. Halman (Eds.), Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe. Leiden: Brill.

Reeskens, T., Meuleman, B., & van Oorschot, W. (2013). Wanneer eigenbelang en ideologie botsen. Een analyse van steun voor welvaartsherverdeling in tijden van financiële crisis. In K. Aarts and M. Wittenberg (Eds.), Stability and Change in the Netherlands. Proceedings vierde Nederlandse workshop European Social Survey – 27 september 2012 (forthcoming). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

van Oorschot, W., Meuleman, B., & Reeskens, T. (2011). De gepercipieerde consequenties van de welvaartstaat: een multi-level, cross-nationale analyse van 25 Europese landen. In K. Aarts and M. Wittenberg (Eds.), Nederland in de jaren nul. Proceedings derde Nederlandse workshop European Social Survey – 11 november 2010 (pp. 109-130). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Hooghe, M., & Reeskens, T. (2009). Exploring Regimes of Immigrant Integration: Clustering Countries on the Basis of the MIPEX Data. In J. Niessen and T. Huddleston (Eds.), Legal Frameworks for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (pp. 95-112). Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.

Reeskens, T., & Hooghe, M. (2009). Bemoeilijkt etnisch-culturele diversiteit het samenleven in Vlaanderen ? Het effect van lokale diversiteit op sociaal kapitaal in Vlaamse gemeenten. In L. Vanderleyden, M. Callens and J. Noppe (Reds.), De Sociale Staat van Vlaanderen 2009 (pp. 427-461). Brussel: Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering.

Hooghe, M., Reeskens, T., & Stolle, D. (2007). Diversity, Multiculturalism and Social Cohesion: Trust and Ethnocentrism in European Societies. In K. Banting, T. Courchene & L. Seidle (Reds.), Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada (Volume III) (pp. 387-410). Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy.

Hooghe, M., Reeskens, T., & Stolle, D. (2007). Diversity, Ethnocentrism and Trust in Europe. In Belgian Society and Politics. Annual Review 2007 (pp. 115-130). Gent: Foundation Gerrit Kreveld.

Hooghe, M., Reeskens, T., & Stolle, D. (2006). Variaties in samenleven. Het samenleven in etnisch diverse gemeenschappen. In M. Hooghe, (Red.), Op zoek naar politiek. Democratie en de verplaatsing van de politiek (pp. 123-139). Leuven: Acco.

Book Reviews

Reeskens, T. (2016). American Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism (J. Citrin & D. O. Sears). Political Science Quarterly, 131(1), pp. 183-184.

Reeskens, T. (2007). When Ways of Life Collide. Multiculturalism and Its Discontents in the Netherlands (P. M. Sniderman & L. Hagendoorn). Acta Politica, 42(3), pp. 479-482.

Reeskens, T. (2007). De versplinterde samenleving. De gevolgen van moderniteit en modernisering in de 21ste eeuw (J. Berting). Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 28(1), pp. 83-85.

Dutch Contributions

Reeskens, T. (2015). Betekent meer diversiteit minder sociabiliteit? Samenleving en Politiek, in press.

Reeskens, T. (2015). De welvaartsstaat als magneet die immigranten aantrekt? Samenleving en Politiek, in press.

Reeskens, T., & van Oorschot, W. (2013). Een welvaartsstaat of een participatiesamenleving? Samenleving en Politiek, 10, pp. 4-12.

Meuleman, B., Reeskens, T., & van Oorschot, W. (2011). De legitimiteit van de welvaartsstaat onder de loep. Samenleving en Politiek, 8, pp. 78-85.

Hooghe, M., & Reeskens, T. (2010). De denkfout in het racisme. Over het verschil tussen burgerlijk en politiek nationalisme. De Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied, 101(10), pp. 28-36.

Reeskens, T., Hooghe, M., Meuleman, B., & Trappers, A. (2008). Wat verklaart migratie naar Europese landen? Over.werk, 3(4), pp. 136-139.

Meuleman, B., Reeskens, T., Trappers, A., & Hooghe, M. (2008). Arbeidsmigratie naar Europa. Een economische verklaring van migratiestromen, 1980-2004. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 28(3-4),
pp. 272-295.

Hooghe, M., Quintelier, E., & Reeskens, T. (2007). Hoe politiek is het persoonlijke? Naar een genderneutrale meting voor politieke kennis. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 102(2), pp. 13-30.

Hooghe, M., Reeskens, T., Kavadias, D., & Claes E. (2007). Determinanten van burgerschapsvorming bij jongeren. Een internationaal vergelijkend perspectief naar kiesintenties bij 14-jarigen. Pedagogische Studien, 84(4), pp. 259-276.

Hooghe, M., & Reeskens, T. (2006). Kerkelijke betrokkenheid, vertrouwen en etnocentrisme: een vergelijkende studie onder christelijke gelovigen in Europa. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 27(3),
pp. 263-284.

Hooghe, M., & Reeskens, T. (2006). Amerikaanse publieke opinie over Irak: Polarisatie over een nieuw Vietnam? Internationale Spectator, 60(5), pp. 266-270.

Hooghe, M., Billiet, J., Leman, J., Meuleman, B., Reeskens, T., & Trappers, A. (2006). Waarom migranten naar Europa komen. De Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied, 97(7), pp. 4-14.

Hooghe, M., & Reeskens, T. (2006). Geloof in Europa. Religieuze verschillen in het hedendaagse Europa. De Gids op Maatschappelijk Gebied, 97(3), pp. 24-31.


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